Sunday, January 24, 2010

Us and Them

they told me a child of five could understand quantum credit theory. i said, fetch me a child of five and have her explain it to me.

they said god made humans in his own image. i said, look how that turned out.

they said that there's a line and limits that must not be crossed. i said, then i'll make my own bloody limits. if i feel like it.

they told you not to come near me. you walked towards me anyway.

they said it's not worth it. but no-one even knows what 'it' is.

i told you not to dream, not that much. you said, we are our own dreams.

what the hell does that mean?

that means me.

at least, that's what they said.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Two Thousand and Ten

Dear Universe,

In this new year I ask for only one thing, and that is the ability to keep myself from fucking something, anything up when I know I got it good. Please, sisters of fate. All I'm asking for is happiness and the freedom to screw up under my own steam. I realize that that's kind of a paradox but still. I'll be the best I can manage if you send a few chunks of luck my way.

